
Petty Differences

Truth Minute: Petty Differences

Recently I have seen the #churchhurt videos and posts on my timeline and other areas of social media, so I wanted to share my thoughts from a different view. First, I have been hurt deeply by close people “in the church” from the past therefore I can relate to many of the feelings being expressed. My prayer is that reconciliation and healing will come to those who have and are experiencing it…but there is a new #pastorhurthashtag/topic brewing and it troubles me more than the first.

So I began to think…

What if PASTORS go down the same path and revealed what we have experienced through video or on a post about who and how much has been done to us…the lies, the money spent with no return, the betrayals, the unwanted advances, the private slanderous conversations and defections over the years with names…and I’m not talking about insecure men and women of the faith but the credible ones!!!…But lets pause or “selah” for a moment.

Look pastors and leaders, I know its tempting to “spill the tea” fly the “petty-copter” or “clap back” especially when you literally have to deal with the same “church folk” week after week for years while smiling and bearing others burdens in silence. BUT please use wisdom and redirect your focus on what matters most and thats Jesus. The lord said not to return evil for evil and to bless those that curse you. We know it to be true and we also know it gets hard having to cover others pain and poison for so long.

So instead of following the trend and letting the dirt or shade fly, I want to share 10 tips on how to reduce the need of keeping it real in the wrong spirit and venting without considering the consequences:

1. Pray to God vent it all to him
2. Seek a CREDIBLE, SEASONED mentor/spiritual Father or Mother that has the authority speak in your life
3. Keep Your family close (they live in a glass house) Protect, love and provide for them at all costs!
4. Take a vacation or breaks regularly
5. Keep your integrity in private and public (if it dont apply don’t reply ESPECIALLY ON Social Media) No Sliding in DM’S! on any platform #screenshotswithaplot
6. Preach the gospel with sound doctrine (Petty or religious people despise authentic character and biblical teaching) It may empty the seats for a season but they will soon fill with people (who have issues but want to do right)
7. Develop a tolerance for suffering…its part of the job
8. Stay humble by empowering others
9. Just Say NO! Enough with the #messiahcomplex you are not God and are not required to like or endorse everything especially if there is no tenure or reciprocal relationship (Invite me into your life before you invite me to like your page)
10. Focus on having a healthy church versus a big church. Health will lead to the right growth. #witness

After 8 years pastoring and 16 as a Minister you learn the value of being wise with your words and deeds. Stay focused and make sure the trending topic is always the #goodnewsofJesusChrist and not private issues.

~ Pastor Andre L Martin

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